Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Send off for the Choir

Finally back on the buses and the annoucement made that in order to save time, because we were now 2 hours late (did I mention--It's Africa?) we would be returning to the Panorama Hotel to have lunch. Privately I thought that this was probably not the smartest idea because I know what their idea of a "rush" is. However, back we went, and it was nice to be able to be inside the cool polished granite interior and spotless cleanliness, complete with flush toilets and running water--cold and hot! A couple of people ventured to the Serapta restaurant next door where there is a view of the city from the outdoor balcony. As it is on the 3rd floor of the building, the waves and belches of pollution from the leaded and diesel gas burned by the passing traffic are not too overwhelming there, and the Italian influenced food is good. They walked there, had their lunch and returned before most of us got to order. They paid about 20 Birr ($2.00 US) and we paid much more depending on what we got. Parvin and I are very fond of their vegetable soup (18.40 Birr) but many others ordered big meals of "steak" or "beef fillet", "chicken jumble" (fried chicken) or "chicken with mushroom sauce" (price between 50 Birr to 75 Birr), plus water, soft drinks (though Pepsi signs are everywhere, Coke (Fanta, Sprite) has the market), it can add up. Still a great meal for $10 US is not bad, plus you know you won't get dysentery or typhus from eating it--a rather large bonus.

2 hours for lunch and wrap up and we were off to the Baha'i Centre where the National Spiritual Assembly had asked to meet with us. We were taken into the main room of the centre and greeted by 4 members of the NSA as well as the Continental Board of Counselors member for this area. They expressed their thanks to all of us for our contibutions to the Jubilee--I think all of us were overwhelmed, because compared to what they have accomplished here, we really did nothing. Spontaneously, "O Thou Compassionate Lord" broke out from the choir; it was really something to hear in that low ceilinged room, filled with so much love and happiness. The NSA members were standing at the front of the room and received the full force of our gratitude and love, expressed through this song. It wasn't long before they were, like us, giving up the struggle to hold back the tears. These amazing, intelligent, dedicated, selfless people standing in front of us, letting us know their feelings was pretty powerful. Van, as always, stepped into the breach, guiding us musically and speaking so eloquently to the Counsellor and the NSA for us.

Then it was time to go. Many hugs and kisses and last minute exchanges of emails and the choir was off to the airport for their flight to Dubai.

Parvin and I felt a little bereft, but soon found that there were a few others who stayed behind, too, and began immediately making plans for "what's next?"

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